The 490-page Supreme Court ruling upholds Martial Law
The decision of Supreme Court supporting President Duterte in placing Mindanao under Martial law says it all. I strongly believed with the SC’s judgment for upholding his decision as the Commander in Chief of our nation’s military forces.
July 5, 2017, the Supreme Court’s 490-page ruling penned by Associate Justice Mariano Del Castillo that consists of the major decision of the court and pros and cons of justices was released.
According to Marvic Leonen, Associate Justice of the Supreme Court, the situation in Mindanao involves only acts of terrorism and not rebellion and can be resolve with other executive order but not Martial Law. How come? How come that rebellion is not involved when Maute Group have Filipino members? The tension in Marawi City actuate as government troops were about to arrest Isnilon Hapilon, Sayyaf leader who is linked to ISIS. Linkages between Maute and other rebel groups like Bangsamoro Islamic Freedom Fighters (BIFF) and Abu Sayyaf , which have attacked also other parts of Mindanao is one of the reasons why SC concur with Duterte. What are these? Isn’t it rebellion? A prank? Joke?
Based on what I have red, Chief Justice Ma. Lourdes Sereno, Senior Associate Justice Antonio Carpio and Associate Justice Alfredo Benjamin Caguioa are part of the 11 justices who agreed with SC but with some restrictions about the coverage and time period of Martial Law. Even though there are Justices who did not coincide with others who voted on Martial Law, SC still managed to decide.
Leonen’s belief that the government failed to justify Martial Law because there is a lack in basis is a head-aching stupidity. He’s the only justice who’s against with it.
To sum it up, SC did the right thing in letting Duterte place Mindanao under Martial Law. After some time of assessment, the SC justified that Duterte is right.Now that they have proof that it is right to do so, SC should let Duterte decide until when and where will be the coverage of the Proclamation 216.