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Star na si Van Damme Stallone: We’re normal

Vanvan closed the gaps between a person with Down syndrome and a normal born.

The film Star na si Van Damme Stallone is jam-packed of thought-provoking ideas. The epicenter of the story is that person with disability must be treated normally as Randolph Longjas proved in his film that one can shake the barriers circling around Down syndrome.

The plot was simply executed, a normal story of family coping with the everyday challenges of having a child with Down syndrome in a perfect setting which led to 3rd Best Picture in 2016 CineFilipino film festival where it was first shown.

Candy Pangilinan, who’s known for comedy-fueled career, performed a better-than-expected Ermat of Vanvan. Shifting from humorous character to a serious on, lead actress Candy once again wowed the audience as she became the Best Actress.

Being a mother of a child with Down syndrome was labeled difficult. The film corroborated it as Ermat (Candy) once tried to kill her newly born Vanvan, but pulled away after realizing that it was the worst thing she can do. The act of trying to do it hunts her conscience in the whole film.

As the film goes on, Ermat give the utmost care and love to Vanvan not noticing that her older son, Tano, is jealous about it. The challenges of older brother understanding his special younger brother is now visible.

Tano once questioned the existence of Vanvan with Down syndrome as he hated it so much, he also hated it when his mother cared more about Vanvan than him, and later established an acceptance as he showed evident care towards his younger brother. These are the parts where Isaac Aguirre (Tano) showed his superb acting skills, propelled with that he nailed the Best Supporting Actor and at the same time broke the stigma that having a special younger brother is not at punishment, thus it’s a blessing.

Edelmira Mattea Curativo, the baby Vanvan and Jeremiel Austria was the Toddler Vanvan. Jafford Dilanco played the Kid Vanvan, while Paolo Pingol acted the adult Vanvan as they shine like a star and blind those people with wrong perspective towards them showing that they can be a source of happiness.

Director Longjas just made a bridge connecting the gaps between people with Down syndrome and others.

The movie also tackled the hardships of depending on Firework-making as the main source of income as Nadia’s (Ermat) family suffered from it in two ways: suffered from the low income, and suffered from health issues.

They can be normal, no – they are normal.

(We couldn't find any subject for the video interview, so instead of not doing anything we decided to ask random people on what they understand about Down Syndrome.)

Edited by: Andrea Christine Agay

Interview by: Klariza Abbygale Gabrido

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